Here is an opportunity to open to the seen and unseen blessings
which are ever present in our lives.
Even as we move from activity to activity
a deep stillness resides at our core
from which we bring forth the gifts of essence
when we decide to center ourselves
in the vastness of Love's illuminating Presence.
We have so much assistance both seen and unseen,
in awakening the sleeping parts of ourselves,
remembering what it is we came here for, living that as passionate,
empowered beings in service to life, returning to that place we never left.
Returning as Love's illuminated ones.
Open and breathe to new depths without control as your guide,
coloring so much of what are otherwise, pure moments -- truly living.
Breathe into that place where you might have been feeling empty,
a loss or that something is still missing.
Use this time to call on your full presence.
Call all fragmented aspects of your Self into the Unified Presence.
Let all you feel, see, hear and experience be met with total loving acceptance.
Let each breath be a celebration of deeper remembrance and vast loving.
Your surrender deserves you!
Give these moments to your self and give all that you are to these moments.
From all time and before, lost essence returns.
I am speaking of those sensitive parts so gifted
that they live in direct knowing, through "feeling."
I am speaking of returning to a way of being which honors all feelings,
a way of listening from the depths of soul, living passionately
in our genuine presence each moment.
Remember the dreams yet unmet-met.
They call us to action, to journey deeper with each breath,
with the freshness of a child we meet the miracle of love
and the dream comes to life!
In order to be free, a willingness to "be the love" for ourselves, is imperative.
The parts that haven't felt free...those parts that have held the denial of love,
hold great power and presence.
Have you made friends with yourself, on the inside?
Matisha ~ 1 January, 1996
© 1996 Matisha